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November 02, 2007


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LaTonia Denise Wright

I agree with you. This type of information is not being provided in sufficient detail in nursing school. Also the content should be taught by practicing attorneys who are also nurses and have practical experience in defending medical malpractice, nursing negligence, and licensure matters involving nurses. The content should not be presented from a hospital management or regulatory board perspective.


As a recent graduate of a BSN program, this is not being covered to the extent you'd think. We had one lecture on legal ramifications in nursing practice. We also had people from the State BON on our faculty.

Does this make a difference? Yes, because some of these people actually tell you NOT to get malpractice.

Glad I read a lot and know more than what I saw in class. (things I found in places like this blog and other nurse attorney blogs) You'd be surprised how many people don't bother to read about anything not directly in their area.

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