This is from the ANA website. See
The ANA Nominating Committee has extended the call for nominations for a slate of candidates to be presented to the House of Delegates for a vote at its June 25-27, 2008 meeting in Washington, D.C. The deadline for the submission of nominations for the initial slate has been extended to February 25, 2008.
The following are the open slots which are available:
President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, five Directors-at-Large positions including two Staff Nurse Directors-at-Large, five Congress on Nursing Practice and Economic Positions, and four Nominating Committee positions.
I was elected to the Congress on Nursing Practice & Economics at the 2006 House of Delegates in Washington, DC. Its a four year term. I would encourage you to consider running for the Congress.
On another note. This is the first year in a long time where I am not running for a national, state, or local office in a nursing professional association. Why? I am tired and my law practice is keeping me busier than ever.
Don't get me wrong, I am still involved. However I decline committee invitations more readily now than I did in the past. I was asked this week to sit on the planning committee for a national convention. I declined very eloquently.
I am attending the ANA House of Delegates in the Ohio Nurses Association delegation in June. I was elected as an ANA Delegate at the Ohio Nurses Association Convention in October 2007. I was elected as a Center for American Nurses Association delegate at the ONA Convention. I am attending the Center for American Nursing Membership Council Meeting and LEAD Summit in June.
I will be in D.C. from June 21st-June 27th attending professional association meetings and I am looking forward to it. Are you active in profession?
I credit Karen Bankston, PhD, RN who is the CEO of the Drake Center in Cincinnati, Ohio and Margaret Wheatley, PhD, RN a nursing professor at the Francis Payne Bolton School of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University and former past president of the Ohio Nurses Association with encouraging me to become active in the profession.