Collective bargaining negotiations have begun with the State of Ohio and the SEIU. The SEIU represents the 7,000+ IPs in the State of Ohio. Keep in mind less than 1,750 voted in the favor of the Union. Several hundred of the independent providers are RNs and LPNs.
The SEIU has asked the State of Ohio to deduct dues payments directly from each indepedent provider's pay. The Union is seeking a fair share agreement. Fair Share meaning all IPs would pay union dues even if they are not members.
Also Governor Strickland issued Executive Order 2008-02S. This allows for independent child care home providers to organize under collective bargaining.
I am very disappointed with the SEIU. Now they want to start taking out union dues! What has the SEIU done for us Ohio independent provider nurses? We are exactly where we were when this all started. The only place trying to help us, promote us and assist us is
Posted by: Cynthia | January 27, 2009 at 08:11 AM
Does anyone know what the SEIU has been doing for Ohio independent providers? Their website does not indicate much. Nurses especially are still having difficulty finding home care consumers. The consumers are having difficulty locating/connecting with IP nurses. It is too difficult for consumers to try and use carestar's provider search. Also, they have no way of knowing who is available. Ohio IP nurses are obviously going to have to create a website to make their availability known. Is anyone else disappointed with the SEIU and all their promises?
Posted by: [email protected] | January 10, 2009 at 09:25 AM