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March 17, 2008


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This article about a nurse being charged (remember this nurse is innocent until proven guilty in a criminal court of law) appeared on the front page of the Cincinnati Enquirer website on Wednesday, May 14, 2008.

If you are a licensed healthcare professional or licensed professional, your legal case may make the news. It doesn't have to be the print edition; it can be the online version.

See http://news.enquirer.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080514/NEWS01/305140012


Disbarred for too many pool parties? And taking your pets, too? Whew! I feel better about my troubles. I don't know about Indiana, but I've had some experience with the Ohio healthcare system,and it was ugly. I took my mother to an Ohio hospital ER, and they refused to admit her because I couldn't find my medical POA papers. (I am her only living relative).

In the rush, I had left them in my car. I never heard of requiring POA in order to admit someone at the ER. Then, because of HIPAA, no one would tell me the diagnosis. She is ancient and demented, and couldn't tell me herself. Likewise, every time she goes to the ER (which she does for any little thing despite the cost) I am never notified and, if a neighbor calls me, I then can't find out why she is there. Last time, they wouldn't even tell me what the bill was for, until I said, 'Fine. In that case, I won't pay it." Which made them change their minds.

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