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April 30, 2008


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Screwed nurse

I appreciate your comments. Believe me- I feel horrible. But, it happened and I can't take it back. It's been a hard lesson learned. I hired a licensing attorney AFTER my initial phone call interview. I know I'll be reprimanded somehow- I just hope they don't suspend my license.



Please just tell us how you really feel!! Just kidding, thanks for your response to the comment.


There is a plethora of information available on this subject and the Ohio Nurse Practice act spells it out quite plainly no hanky panky with patients, patient family members or anyone involved in the care of the patient(s), during and after client/patient relationship is established.
It is such a crucial violation of that relationship, taking advantage of someone at their most vulnerable state is apalling IMO and its a huge violation of the practice act. If you have to ask if its a violation more than likey it is, with so many options available why would you date a patient anyway. This type of unprofessional and unethical behavior gives nurses a bad rap. Its a violation of power and along with that, IMO, their is usually an underlying personality disorder of the abuser or just plain ignorance.


Thank you for your comment and placing a smile on my face. I am sorry to hear about your investigation with the OBN. My suggestion is attorney representation. Professional boundary and professional sexual misconduct allegations and complaints are SERIOUS. I have published/researched this area extensively over the last 2 years and this isn't a case where you want to be without legal advice and counseling. Hire a lawyer to assist you with the complaint. Its okay to search the online blogs, forums, boards, and chatrooms for general information but you need specific advice regarding your situation.

Screwed nurse

Oh Boy; I needed this thread! I'm under investigation in Ohio for a boundaries violation. But I do not see anywhere on the Ohio BON rules/ORC where 'former client/patient' is not permitted. They are really grilling me on the relationship AFTER the nursing/client relationship ended.

I'm up shit creek without a paddle. There was nothing sexual during my employment. I'd love to see more posts about boundary violations and post nurse/client relationships.

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