Urgent - Your feedback is requested on Core Competencies for Clinical Nurse Specialists
In May 2006 representatives from Clinical Nurse Specialist stakeholder groups were convened to participate in a National Consensus Initiative for Core CNS Competencies with the goal of identifying and reaching consensus on core CNS competencies relevant to the entry-level CNS, regardless of specialty, population, or setting.
Draft competencies and related specific behaviors have been identified. This is your opportunity to provide feedback about these core competencies, which reflect CNS practice and will guide future educational preparation. Let us know how these competency statements reflect your current practice and you academic preparation for the CNS role. We ask you to use the survey link below to provide your feedback.
Survey participants will be asked to rate competency statements and the related specific behavior statements for relevance and specificity.
You have until May 24, 2008 to complete.
The survey can be accessed at the following link:
Thank you in advance for your feedback on this important initiative.
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