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May 09, 2008


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I agree with you that nurses are underestimated by the powers that be. However when will the sleeper awaken?

Syaifoel Hardy

The existance of nurses depends on the nurses themselves. We do not need others'help if we cant help ourselves. At times we seem not united which gives impression to others that nurses are not strong enough to stand on their own feet. That's why we are underestimated and even slaved in many parts of the world.



I agree with you. Nurses as the largest group of healthcare professionals are not supported in the workplace for the most part. Most employers pay "lip service" and say "we stand by our nurses" or "we are a Magnet facility" or "we do this and that" but guess what most nurses are still employed at-will and have no power in the healthcare workplace. And when "something" happens, its always the nurse who is term'd, reported to the State Nursing Board, etc.


The nurse revolving door and shortage will continue until the nurses are supported, as a union may do.

Although, the over worked nurse is not a new situation. Since the early days of health care in the U.S. nurses have been over worked, at times living in, or next to, the hospitals which they trained at and later employed.

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