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May 12, 2008


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Brian Johnson

get a life donna, the bible sais do not judge, you dont know what other people have been through or the circumstances that caused the arrest. I did just what you said and hid my keys in a bush and went to sleep in car, cops came by and said since I was behind the wheel I was gettin a dui, you sound like someone who just hates alcohol


I agree with you, however State licensing Boards may not see it this way because the Boards exist to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the public. Maybe the State legislatures will step in and afford citizens with criminal convictions more rights and less scrutiny with State-based licensure application and renewal issues.

Some One Who Cares

I feel that first time felonies based on the crime and minor misdeamoners should have a second chance at oppertunities like these. We all make mistakes but how can you change when society doesnt give you a chance and judge you off of something that may have happen when you were younger. everyone with a criminal record is not a bad person most are but not all... Try accepting those who are working hard for a second chance at becoming successful in life...

Donna Phillips

I believe that any health care person or law officer who drinks and drives is too CARE LESS to care for anyone. Get a cab or put you keys far from your car and go to sleep until there is no chance that you will kill someone.

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