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June 15, 2008


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Thank you for your comments. There has to be a checks and balance system when a nurse or nursing student has a criminal history.

There is a different mindset with nursing students and nurses today. I am not saying this is "bad" however it creates issues for the profession that should be assessed and addressed.

I don't think as a profession that we are socializing nurses in the professional practice of nursing. There is a rush to graduate, pass NCLEX, and practice and make money. That's fine, but what about the ethical, moral, legal, and professional practice implications of being a nurse.

I think this is what is missing in the practice of nursing today.

joan e

This is a complex issue, and is definitely more visible today than in the 70's when there were nursing schools literally hand picked who they wanted and met their specifications.

the observation that today's nurses are not unlike the 1980's fast food workers.
The quality of todays nurses is not the same, and this is apparent in their work,interactions with pts, families, doctors, ancillary staff, and nurse colleagues.

I am unsettled when a nurse fails to recognize that there exists a range of bahaviots and methods when caring for patients and they act the same with all. it is not ok to ask me if I have to 'pee" or to call me "honey", or to turn on my TV to divorce court and without ever asking..
caliber sounds

Maybe I sound like a snob, but nurses are held to standards that include a certain level of education and specified behaviors. Another unwritten rule is having high morals, values, respect for humans, and even proper grammar.

I cringe when reading nursing forums at some of grammatical errors in the posts, and basic errors such as not knowing when to use 'know' and "no" and "there" and "their".

I am always amazed and also baffled when reading about people with criminal histories that are indignant and upset when they discover that their past is creating licensing issues.

it is very unclear why a school of nursing neglects to inform applicants with legal charges that there may be difficulty in being issued a license.

The increase of nurses with criminal pasts is , in part, because of BON's running checks and fingerprinting. I have no doubt that many people in nursing the lied about this when applying, and got away with it. Plus the data banks and NCSBN, the internet, and easier access to info factors in as well.

There is a need to ask about one's past,and I am all for this. I agree that there are some crimes that bar issuing a license to, and that addiction histories may need to require initial monitoring/ restrictions.

As with life in general, there are many situations that cannot be placed in a specific category, and need to be considered on a case by case basis.

Some states do better with this than others, and I think overall the states perform satisfactorily.

The handfull of states that do act in a more punitive way unfortunately are making a bad name for BON's in general.

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