I should have posted on this subject a while ago.
I am frequently contacted by a nurse who has a family member who is an attorney. Whether its a spouse, brother, sister, cousin, uncle, mother, etc.
The nurse will then proceed to tell me that this is how their family member suggested that a licensure defense action should be handled or this is their attorney family member's opinion on the issues in the licensure matter.
I have a large immediate family and an even larger extended family here in Cincinnati. When a family member asks me to comment on something their attorney said, I state I can't comment. You retained your attorney and your questions and comments should be directed towards your attorney. I also remark that I am a licensure defense attorney (this is a very narrow specialty) so why would I have an opinion on your personal injury case or your worker's compensation matter.
But that's me.
I declined to represent another nurse a few years ago who was in the process of retaining me but after each of our discussions who would contact her sister (who was an attorney in another state and worked in a med mal plaintiff's firm) and ask her sister what she thought about my advice and counseling. I think not.
But that's me.
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