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July 18, 2008


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Soon To Be RN,

Thank you for the comment. The post doesn't bash CNAs, STNAs, and MAs. It is an actual problem.

The good, the bad, and the ugly acting exist in every profession, trade, or occupation.

State Board of Nursing complaints are in indeed investigated. However who wants to be the subject of a Nursing Board investigation for a frivolous complaint that takes months or years to resolve?

Who wants to hire an attorney for Nursing Board representation that may cost thousands of dollars to defend a frivolous complaint?

Again, I say to all nurses if you work in long-term care, be careful!

Soon To Be RN

Why is it that nurses are given the benefit of the doubt and not the CNA's? We all know nurses take BIG shortcuts in LTC. They borrow meds and use other suspect methods. Guess what? Frivolous complaints are thrown out and/or punished by BON's. Sounds more like CNA bashing than an actual problem...

angela smith

Nursing assistants do have a lot to lose they are reported to board of health and their certificate are taken, investigated, and can never wordk as an stna,cns again.


Nurse Job,

I am glad to hear that you have not faced this type of situation in long-term care.

Nurse Job

I haven't faced this situation.....

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