APRNs is the term used in the literature to refer to CRNAs, NPs, CNSs, and CNMs. APRNs are advanced practice nurses and have a more expanded scope of practice than RNs.
APRNs are RNs and have some of the same legal issues as RNs.
APRNs as advanced practice nurses may have different legal issues than RNs.
When I started my law practice some seven years ago, I assumed that APRNs would be more likely than RNs and LPNS to seek legal representation, advice, and counseling in a licensure, regulatory, or professional practice matter. I assumed since APRNs receive additional nursing education that would translate into more education (a class or two) pertaining to the law, legalities, and legal issues in nursing. I am not a APRN.
If I would have bet money (and I do like to gamble sometimes) I would have lost.
What is your opinion? Are APRNs more or less likely than a RN or a LPN to seek legal representation, counseling, and advising?
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