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August 25, 2008


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Dear Jessie,

Thank you for your comment and I wish you the best with your licensure matters.

jessie w.

I am so blessed to have found your site!!! There are way tooo few non alcoholic/substance abusers who don't see our good sides.

Bless you and thank you for your compassion and kind words of encouragement.

Personally, I wouldn't believe my coworkers and friends and didn't get a lawyer in Ca. Now that I moved to Tx and have been here 3+ years, I'm in knee deep from Ca. BRN, and Tx is getting into the act. I have an attorney now and we're meeting tomorrow. She has gotten me to Focus on facts and not keep reading other things into my case and I get very anxious and distracted. Anyhow, thanks again. Sincerely, J. Walker

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