The economy is ugly and although the experts will not not say the "R" word, we are all concerned about a recession.
See this newsletter from WISER about Less Stress in a Stressed Economy:
I overheard one of my family members last week saying their retirement strategy is "to work until I die." This isn't a strategy. Are you planning to work until you die as a retirement strategy?
There is no time better than tight times to start trimming some of the fat or phat and look towards building a more financially sound and stable future.
Are you doing anything differently in this tight economic times? I am trimming some of the phat in my household.
I removed my acrylic nails (please don't laugh) this spring and I am sporting my natural nails again. It hard cramming two hours for nails and a pedicure every two weeks into a crowded calendar anyway.
I am grooming my dogs myself. This will change. Actually, I don't like doing this and may delegate this to my son or fiance.
I don't go to the hair salon once a week anymore. Try once every 6 weeks for a relaxer. This will probably change, as I can't keep up on my old neighborhood gossip anymore without visiting the salon. Maybe I will go every two weeks.
We didn't have as many pool parties this year as we did last summer. I have been extremely busy and I didn't really want to entertain my family or my fiance's family anyway.
I work every weekend on law and consulting firm cases and projects. I would typically sip Martini & Rossi Asti Spumante champagne on Saturday and Sunday while I worked. I cut back to Bartles & James coolers. (This will change this weekend).
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