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January 19, 2009


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Registered Nurse since June 2007

Employed at this facility since 2004
Terminated October 2008
Transferred from surgery to CVICU
Second week of orientation with preceptor
First week on Night Shift 1830-0700

That night a respiratory therapist came in and said he had just worked a code in ICU bed#. I have never experienced a code situation. I was informed we could access the cardiac rhythms on the monitor so the ICU bed# was pulled up on the monitor, it did not show signs of a code. So I was sitting at the computer, logged in under me, accessed the dictation under ICU bed# to read about the situation because I was informed the patient could possibly come to our unit if it is determined a need for open heart surgery or evaluation in a Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit if there was a code and there was damage done to the heart. I wanted to be prepared.
The name was unknown the account was not flagged as confidential. I was unaware of the patient VIP status until the next day when I was called to Human Resources. They asked if I knew of a VIP patient there in the hospital and I did not at the time. I had slept all day to prepare for my night shift and did not watch the news or hear about the VIP at this facilty. This account I pulled up has terminated my employment, flagged my license and is now under investigation with the FBI.

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