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January 20, 2009


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Nursing Law Bandit

Thank you, Jack and keep up the good work. We do have a long way to go as far as substance abuse and addiction in nursing. The medical, personal, financial, and social issues presented by addiction and dependency are difficult enough and take on an entirely different meaning for LPNs, RNs, and APRNs who have to deal with the licensure, regulatory, criminal, employment, professional, and/or sometimes civil law ramifications of the disease process.

Jack Stem

So far I see very little that will change. In fact, it seems things are becoming worse for nurses dealing with practice impairment resulting from substance abuse and addiction. The prosecutors in the northeastern counties are becoming more punitive and some of the members on Ohio's board of nursing seem to be less than enthusiastic about the alternative to discipline program. Nurses continue to shoot their wounded...I receive phone calls and email from nurses everyday struggling with this disease and the stigma piled on top by the nursing community. How do we change the way addiction is treated when we can't even get it right with our "colleagues"?

I'm reading an excellent book regarding leadership tiled "Tribes" by Seth Godin. I highly recommend it!

Thanks for all you do for nurses and the nursing profession.


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