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January 31, 2009


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Thank you for your comment. I would suggest you contact a Maryland nurse licensure defense attorney for representation in the Nursing Board matter. You can always contact a plaintiff's employment law attorney to see if you have a case for defamation or if you were discriminated against. Good luck and best wishes.

elise franklin

i am a travel nurse from ohio. i was reported to the board of md for : running out of a code,not charting on an admission,taking too long (1 1/2 hrs) to answer to a family member,aruments with pt and family and lying to the echo dept..wheeeeeeeew! i believe the report was
malicious,what can i do? im not traveling any longer and will never complain again to a manager its not worth it!


The Nursing Law & Practice webinars provide 1.25 credits of general CE credit.

Erin Meinyer

Does this course meet the new Ohio Board Rule?
"Category A" (Law and Rules)
One Hour Continuing Education Requirement

On November 19, 2008, the Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN) held a public hearing regarding a revision of Rule 4723-14-01, Ohio Administrative Code (OAC), related to providers of “Category A” continuing education. “Category A” means the portion of continuing education that meets the one-hour requirement directly related to Chapter 4723. of the Revised Code and the rules of the Ohio Board of Nursing (OBN) as set forth in Rule 4723-14-03, OAC. Any Category A obtained on or after February 1, 2009 must be approved by an OBN approver, or offered by an OBN approved provider unit that is headquartered in the state of Ohio. An OBN approver is an approver of continuing education. A list of OBN approvers is located on the Board’s website at www.nursing.ohio.gov. Click on the “Education” link on the homepage and the list of OBN approvers is located under "Continuing Education". If you have questions about continuing education, please contact the Continuing Education Desk at (614) 466-1949 or by e-mail at [email protected].

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