It never fails. After a renewal cycle, in Ohio (in Ohio, LPNs renew in even numbered years, RNs in odd numbered years), I receive calls 3-6 months after the renewal period has ended. I forgot to renew my license and I have been practicing. One case it was a NP who failed to renew his certification.
We all are busy between work, family, professional obligations, and hobbies. Please explain to me how one forgets to renew a license or certification. Its never intentional of course, it just happens, but how does a licensed professional forget to renew a license.
It happens with attorneys in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana. It also happens with nurses in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.
My license is how I survive, work, and pay bills. The same can be said for certification for APRNs along with licensure. When you receive your renewal information, calendar it in your planner, on your computer, PDA, and put a note on the fridge.
I make a note of the licensure renewal deadlines on my two hard copy calendars and on my computer and then I circle the date with an orange highlighter. I do this for my Ohio RN license (which I renew before the first deadline because its less expensive) and my Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana law license. I think 2009 is the year I have to renew my all four of my licenses.
I spoke with a nurse who failed to renew his license and worked as an Independent Provider for the State of Ohio. The nurse billed and the State paid for nurse level care provided in the home when the nurse was not licensed to practice as a nurse in the State of Ohio. The nurse failed to renew his license and billed the State of Ohio for 6 months. The State now wants the nurse to repay the money which is tens of thousands of dollars, of course.
Renew your license or certification, there is no legally plausible excuse for not renewing your license. Okay death of course, but there are no defenses, just investigations, possible discipline, workplace headaches if you work for a healthcare organization, maybe a criminal investigation (its a crime to practice nursing without a license and some county prosecutors may look at these cases depending on the circumstances; if you are a APRN and you billed the govt. and insurance for care provided, you may receive calls from state and federal investigators depending on the amount of money involved; yes its just that serious!), penalties, and alot of crying and/or cursing.
Because we are not super human, because life happens, because now there is no notice given by Ky. related to renewal. Not only that, but we don't even have a hard copy license to look at to see when it expires. Because we are human!!
Posted by: Cindy | May 15, 2009 at 09:02 PM