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March 17, 2009


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Thank you for your comment, Nurse J.

Nurse J

The past year of my life has been turned upside down because I did not contact an attorney as soon as the Board contacted me! I was contacted by the State Board of Nursing regarding "acting strangely/possible mental emotional health issues." The person who had contacted me from the state nursing board acted very nice and like my case "wasn't that big of a deal" and "they get thousands of complaints". I cannot believe how ignorant I was! Think about it, if a police officer contacted you to investigate anything (no matter how big or small), the first thing you would do is CONTACT AN ATTORNEY! Think about Board investigations the same exact way, no matter how big or small you think the matter is! Wish I could go back in time!


I wish I had contacted an attorney when I first had the instinct that I should. Instead I researched the OBN bars to employment as it relates to criminal convictions and pressed on in school. As graduation neared I was offered and accepted a job and applied for an Ohio license, I figured I could always get a KY license later. Needless to say after 6 weeks I finally got my ATT tested and passed, but couldn't get my license without signing a consent agreement with permanent practice restrictions and two years of probation. I consulted with LaTonia (way too late) and was able to get my license. Had I met with her before I graduated and applied I may have been able to secure an unrestricted license in at least one state. My point is we should invest in a consultation with a licensed legal professional before we even make application to any board to plot the best course of action. If at anytime the Board contacts you for anything that may hinder your license, call someone. Do not try to navigate those waters by yourself. They hold the power over your ability to earn a living.... be educated before you agree to their terms

Jack Stem

I think a common mistake nurses make in these types of situations is they trust that the board will have their (the nurse's) best interest at heart and will "advocate" for them. So many nurses seem to think if they meant well then all will be forgiven after they meet with the board or investigators and explain their side of the story. When things begin to "go south", it becomes clear the board isn't thinking about the nurse, they're worrying about public safety. Meaning well doesn't negate ignorance of the nurse practice act.

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