My paternal grandfather had surgery 10 days ago for a left leg popliteal aneurysms. Can you guess the name of his home health nurse? LaTonia Wright, RN.
After my wedding (which he refuses to miss of course), he will have surgery for his abdominal aneurysms. I of course will not be traveling for 10-14 days after his surgery and working from their home, which is walking distance (if you don't smoke) from where we live anyway.
Later this fall, he will have surgery for his right leg popliteal aneurysms. Yes, he is a smoker although he is trying to quit. He is a very difficult patient but I love him none the less.
Both sets (maternal and paternal) of my grandparents are getting older and I plan to be there for them as much as possible because they have been there for me and my son and this is what it means to be a nurse to me.
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