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May 13, 2009


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Jack Stem

Even more disturbing is the AMA-supported Scope of Practice Partnership (SOPP). This is a group of medical specialties and supported by the AMA are attempting to reserve the right to determine the scope of practice of ALL health care professionals. In other words, they would be able to prevent advanced practice nurses and other medical pros (like psychologists, etc.) from defining the scope of practice for their members. Read what the AACN and other nursing organizations are doing to face this problem.
(http://classic.aacn.org/AACN/aacnnews.nsf/ff1487bfe89b77df882565a6006cfc3f/6edadd21de28c950882571ff007c71e2?OpenDocument#Public%20Policy%20Update) Read Policy Update.

Nurses need to wake up and become involved in their profession. If we don't see ourselves as professionals and take responsibility for our profession, things are going to get even uglier than they already are. The "I'm just a nurse" attitude is a major reason our profession is overlooked. Why would anyone ask us for our opinion when we don't see ourselves as more than "just a nurse"?

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