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May 24, 2009


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Hi Amy,

Thank you for your comment. I cannot provide you with legal advice for this specific question. I would suggest you contact a nurse attorney in your state for guidance or your state nurses association.

Amy Miller

I am a school nurse and or corporation works with a computer system called Power School. I have used the system for the past 3 or more years and I document every student clinic visit in great detail. This facilitates my job in that I can look back on every student to see each visit and action. The nurses log portion has been confidential up until 2 weeks ago when our administration gave all principals access to the logs. The corporation nurses were not advised of this action, I found out through happenstance.
Do I have and legal rights to protect the privacy of my students in these days of FERPA??? I am so discouraged by this action, and am no longer writing in any kind of detail r/t clinic visits.


Dear Rhonda, thank you for the comment. Please contact me off the blog regarding your situation at [email protected] via email or 513-771-7266.

Rhonda Doolin

I recently requested a Voluntary Surrender of my Nursing License because I am not able to perform duties as a licensed Nurse due to health issues. I take medications that the Indiana State Nurses Assistance Program deemed inappropriate for a Licensed Nurse to be prescribed if working even if the medication is not taken during work hours. ISNAP wanted me to jump through all the hoops to maintain my license but it just didn't seem right. Did I do the right thing? I surely don't know as my life has been turned upside down -BUT- I'm moving on. What should I have done?

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