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May 21, 2009


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While having 5-10K in the bank for any emergency is nice (actually what is recommended in this economy is 8-12 months of living expenses), it is not realistic when most of us as nurses are living from paycheck to paycheck. But that is another post. We have a rainy day fund in our household but we also have insurance: malpractice, professional liability, umbrella's, medical, dental, life, disabilty, etc.


Of course this isn't always possible for nurses, but having at least $5-$10,000 in the bank for emergency legal fees is a good idea. Like, say you are under legal scrutiny, and it is NOT in the best interests of the facility to defend you, and you have to get a lawyer. If you don't have ready cash, you are hurting. If it comes down to your administrator getting her/his bonus so she can send her kids to private school vs. hanging you out to dry, we know what the choice is all-too-likely to be.

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