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May 31, 2009


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Well 1st of all the Ohio Board of Nursing is ridiculous!! They throw consent agreements at just about anyone for any reason, they wonder why Ohio has a shortage of nurses well because someone makes one MINOR mistake in their life but wants to BETTER their life they throw PERMANENT practice restrictions on them. Really NOW COME ON!!! I could see if there were 2 offenses but ONE please, they all act like they have been perfect all their life, but bottom line is either 1) they have never been caught, 2)their parents were big namers in the community they were caught in or 3)they blamed it on someone else!! Either or the Nursing Board needs to take a step back and look around. Society is pathetic anyway, but when goody too shoes continue to make someones life difficult IS IT A WONDER PEOPLE CHOOSE TO CONTINUE A LIFE OF CRIME....??? ITS EASIER B-CUZ mistakes are not allowed you pay for them for the rest of your lfie!!!

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