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June 19, 2009


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Rehab RN,

Thank you for the comment. Are the chain letters part of the patient plan of care or consistent with an ongoing professional nurse-client relationship?

I would suggest that you refer to the your employer policies and procedures to see if this okay for a definitive answer.

In general nurses need to always keep it professional in dealing with patients and families and establish and maintain professional boundaries.


Great topic!

I'd love to watch it, but will not be able due to scheduling.

Just one question, what is the rule re: nurses giving out e-mail addresses to patients? We have regular patients (we see them in our clinics and they come for inpatient stuff an average of 2 or more times per year, etc.) who send out e-mails and include multiple nurses on our unit in these e-mails (mostly chain letter stuff).

My impression from what I've read is that this is a no-no. Is that correct?

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