At the American Bar Association Techshow 2009, Dr. Richard Susskind gave the keynote address, The End of Lawyers? Rethinking the Nature of Legal Services. Although I was not able to attend (I have already registered and paid to attend three conferences this year and did not attend a single one for whatever reason; from this point forward its pay at the down for me only) I downloaded this keynote address to my blackberry and I have listened to it several times.
He remarked that clients want attorneys who are and act like a fence before you reach a steep cliff, not attorneys who act and who are the ambulance and clean up crew after you go over the cliff. According to Dr. Susskin, risk management is part of the future of legal services.
Managing risk is not something that nurses are trained and accustomed to doing in practice because legal issues are not front and center in the practice of nursing. Most of us as nurses are not in tune with legal issues and the risks associated with practicing in a highly regulated healthcare environment.
I feel invigorated after listening to Dr. Susskind's keynote because I am a dreamer and I dream of the possibilities for my niche practice. I see professional and personal freedom and maybe a four person sauna in the backyard. I really want a sauna, but Barry says no!
Stay tuned because I am rolling out a something new for my firm along with something old, borrowed, and blue.
What you are dreaming about and planning to make happen in your nursing career?'
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