If you are a nurse and you are depressed and/or suicidal, please get the help you need before its too late. Whether its in-patient treatment or out-patient treatment, please contact mental health professionals and get the process started.
This is just my opinion and it is not legal advice of course but you have to get help to deal with your illness before you resume practicing as nurse. You don't want to be accused of practicing unsafely or with an impairment. Again you need to get help dealing with your illness before you resume practicing as nurse.
I know you have bills to pay like everyone and you need to work but this is multi-faceted issue and you have to consider your mental and physical health and answer the $39.99 question: are you safe to practice nursing?
I am seeing more cases with dual diagnosis and discipline and the State Nursing Board or suicide attempts involving nurses which are reported to the State Nursing Board. You may or may not be surprised how this information gets reported to the State Nursing Board (but that's another post).
Again the role of the Board is to protect the public from unsafe nursing care and one of the many questions considered is whether the nurse is safe to practice nursing. Also things that you may consider personal and involving strictly your personal life (like an attempted suicide, dual diagnosis, or mental or chemical dependency issues) may be examined in the event of a State Nursing Board complaint and disciplinary investigation and adjudication.
Call your county suicide prevention hotline or seek assistance because there are alot of resources and services out there if you want help with your situation. Contact EAP, your State Nurses Association, etc. Contact someone and get the help you need to treat the illness (your health is your first priority; isn't it?) and contact a nurse license defense attorney or administrative law attorney in your jurisdiction.
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