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July 06, 2009


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Jack Stem

Amen!!!! Thanks for the additional information.

CONGRATS on your wedding!! Bet $5.00 for me (you know I'm good for it! LOL!


It is a basic concept! I always ask if a nurse has professional liability insurance with a license defense benefit. I don't want nurses to pay for attorney fees out of pocket if they don't have to especially in this economy. The answer, 9 out of 10 times is NO, I have coverage through my employer.

As you may have guessed, your employer's insurance does not have a license defense benefit for nurses because it is meant to protect the facility and alot of times anyway its the employer or former employer filing the Complaint with the State Nursing Board against nurse.

Now the kick in the teeth, nurses rely on a healthcare organization's malpractice coverage and it is usually the employer through nursing management that files the complaint with the State Nursing Board.

What is wrong with this picture? I think there should be a year long course in Nursing School on professional, legal, and ethical issues in practice and 3-6 hours of CE required on renewal on the State Nurse Practice Act, professional nursing practice, and ethical and legal issues in nursing practice in a particular state.

We need to have a better handle on the law, legalities, and legal issues in nursing practice as a profession and not be so quick to say "Oh I am covered by my employer" because although we may not realize it, this statement says alot about our mindset and where we are as profession with respect to professional nursing practice.

Jack Stem

Getting paid for your services...what a novel concept!

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