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September 17, 2009


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Jack Stem

YES!! Thank you for posting this information. Believe me, there is definitely life after you develop this disease. Early recognition and long term treatment not only saves lives, it can save careers as well. When I went through all of this stuff 19 years ago, there was very little assistance out there. The AANA is by far the leader when it comes to advocating for their impaired colleagues. Anesthetists In Recovery (lovingly called AIR by it's members) is a national, online recovery group of close to 200 recovering individuals, most of them working as CRNAs. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you or a colleague are struggling and have no idea where to turn. As LaTonia said, you'll be talking with someone who knows what you are going through. I also have contacts in almost every state who are waiting to reach out to those unlucky enough to have developed this chronic, progressive, unnecessarily fatal disease.

Thank you again LaTonia!

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