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October 02, 2009


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That's good to hear that your friend received treatment for the addiction and I hope your friend is on the road to a solid recovery. I would suggest that you advise your friend to contact a license defense attorney who represents nurses and schedule an appt. to discuss the situation. Its not a quick question you are asking; the question requires legal counseling and advising and I would highly suggest your friend contact a nursing law attorney immediately to discuss his/her suitability for licensure in the future and whether or not this will have an bearing on his/her ability to complete clinicals.

R. Holbrooks

I have a quick question. I have a friend who has JUST gotten out of rehab for cocaine and prescription addiction. Can this effect her ability to get her nursing license? She is supposed to start school in January. Thanks.


Thank you for your comment Sean. You made a good point, First Do No Harm.


I think I remember the saying... "DO-NO-HARM". It applies to any and everything. Great list!

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