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February 16, 2010


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Do you work for a State Nursing Board? This fact pattern sounds just a little too crisp.

Dirty Little Secret,

Its okay. I don't have a issue with liars per se as we all lied at some point about something. To lie is human. However if you must lie, there are so many other folks to lie to and do the dirty dance of deceit, deception & dishonest with: anyone but your nurse license defense attorney. You tell me you charted ahead; okay, cool. You tell me you charted ahead and then 2 months later you also mention altered records, really? You tell me you charted ahead, 1 month from now I learn of the altered records, and then the following week I learn of the destruction of medical records and the Unit Shred Fest (as posted on FB) after the criminal indictment and possibility of a med mal claim (rationale for the shred fest), I am angry. You lied to me, it impacted my counseling/advising of you, and I especially & pretty pissed now because the fee I quoted you based on the info you provided, is out the fracking window and you receive a new quote based on the information I have before me now. In some cases, I just term and refund any monies owed if any because I really don't want to work with the nurse anymore. Hey Dirty, are you from the South, the Dirty South?

Are you one of my clients or did we have a consult? I feel like I know you, Dirty. Based on the facts above, we probably should become professionally acquainted. How about a consult?

Hey Dirty, you need to hire a license defense attorney ASAP, like yesterday. You need legal counseling and advice on how to proceed. Also you need to speak with your attorney about your substance use d/o diagnosis and its implications as well.


I was charged with a DUI one month before my renewal. Even though, in my heart of hearts I knew I should have reported it on my renewal application, I was so freaked out and scared of what was going to happen...I lied. I was wound up with stress and guilt, and more Catholic guilt-a misdemeanor without accident or injury, but I could have killed someone. I had so much court ordered probation requirements-18 weeks of intense treatment, 65 daily PB tests, AA meetings for 18 months, community service and of course costs that soared into my bancruptcy, that the thought of what I'd have to go through with the BON next was too much to handle. Not "poor me," I was accurately charged and convicted. And then...I lied about it. Twice. I can't take the guilt associated with it any longer. Every day it weighs on me. I want to self-report that I lied on 2 renewal applications. I know how you feel about liars. I'd like to not be one anymore.

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