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May 12, 2010


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Thank you for your comment Heidi. Congratulations on your recovery and completion of your Ohio Nursing Board probation and monitoring. I would suggest you speak with an Ohio license defense attorney further about your situation and provide the attorneys with a copy of your documentation to obtain legal advice and counseling about your next steps and what to expect going forward. Take care of yourself.


I was busted for diversion in 2000. I was criminally charged for the same in 2003. I completed a treatment in lieu of conviction program in 2004. My license was placed on probationary status, stayed suspension in 2005. I have worked successfully as an RN since then, completing all the requirements of the probation. I had read in the OBN meeting minutes that the Ohio Board was "cleaning up" and reporting several old cases to the National Data Banks. I received notice last week that I am now on the NPDB and HIPDB list. Since I was criminally charged, is the OIG next???? I absolutely do not understand how the Board can delay these things and spring this on us so many years after the fact??? Is ANYONE in that department ever held accountable for anything. I thought this was all behind me and I was moving on, but it's as if it will never end. If the OIG exclusion is a 5 year mandatory, will it be from here on in, or from 5 years ago when I was originally placed on probation or 7 years ago when I was criminally charged. Honestly, this fight is seeming less and less worth it. Thank you.

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