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July 21, 2010


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Catherine is looking for fast degrees online

I think that it is excellent for you to take up MSN for personal growth as I think that one should not get a higher education for the sole purpose of increasing one’s financial income. Although I think, you should also fast degrees online that many universities are now offering because I think that practicing full time law, studying in a traditional way is very stressful, and if one is not capable of dealing with stress, especially if you have kids at home, you might not make it. I am not dissuading you from taking up MSN, I am just reminding you that you might not have enough time to juggle all the priorities that you might have set and having a backup plan, like enrolling in an online school will benefit you more in the end.



I was surprised to see how many MSN programs are actually online. The psychiatric NP/CNS program at University of Cincinnati is online only. I really wanted to have a combination of online and traditional classroom learning but this may not be an option for the specialty I am seeking.



Many programs are going to online format throughout the country, so even if it seems traditional, make sure you ask.

I am currently in an online MS (informatics) program part time and I really enjoy it. It forces you to take charge of your learning and you have to take charge of your time management, and it is a big time commitment.

Good luck!



Thank you, Tanya. I consider myself a life long learner. Your comments put a smile on my face!!


I am impressed with your sucess as a nurse/ attorney. I admire you as a woman and individual.You seemed to have such aspirations to keep going on to the next level. Good luck on which ever path you decide to take. wish you all the best!

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