If you have been treated for a substance use disorder and/or have a mental health diagnosis AND you plan to return to nursing practice, you need a lawyer.
Even if you are in a State Alternative to Discipline program for Chemical Dependency you will have questions, issues, and concerns over your YEARS of monitoring. Your monitoring agent is not your counselor, therapist, or your attorney; your montoring agent is your monitoring agent.
I am seeing a number of nurses who are representing themselves before the State Nursing Board in substance use disorder cases and these nurses are "taking a beat down" over the years and years of the process and procedure involved with these cases.
What's a beat down? See http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=beat%20down. Take a look at No. 3.
Now don't get me wrong. I am not saying the Board is physically or mentally beating up nurses but what I am saying is the process involved with substance use disorder and co-occurring mental health issues along with the licensure, employment, regulatory, and/or criminal pieces along with the medical and financial burdens in conjunction with the stress to your personal relationships and professional career can beat you up.
This is a benefit of having an attorney work with you throughout this process which takes years. Your license defense lawyer helps you anticipate, plan, or avoid the jabs, the punches, slaps, and the wild windmill swings. I watched Rocky last night. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky. My husband had elective surgery on Monday. He is on bed rest and we watch movies all evening.
I tell you the music from Rocky makes you feel as if you can do anything. Rocky, Rocky, Rocky.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhlPAj38rHc.
I think I will listen to the music from Rocky before my next evidentiary hearing:)
You may have completed a 28 day program but please believe your dealings with the State Nursing Board and/or a State Nursing Board Alternative Program will not resolve in 28 days, 28 weeks, or even 28 months.
Seriously think about researching law firms and hiring an attorney to assist you with the process. Interview one or more attorney to find the right attorney for you and your case.
You are not 2Pac so why proclaim its "me against the World" with your State Nursing Board monitoring, probation, and/or discipline when you have a co-occurring disorder?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Me_Against_the_World . Hire a lawyer.
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