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September 10, 2010


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LaTonia Denise Wright

Hi Shelly,

That's great to hear you are successfully enrolled in an alternative program and doing well.

You are correct to a certain extent, if you follow the rules/regs/policies of the program, then you are in compliance.

But guess what its not that cut and dry or black and white as you may have questions about your compliance, a relapse, etc. Who do you turn to at this point? Your Nursing Board Monitor, other nurses, friends, or family for legal advice and counseling.

I have several nurses who I represent throughout the monitoring process because questions, issues, and crises do you arise while you are being monitored and you can contact your attorney, not go to an online nursing forum to get answers to your questions. Nurses are professionals and all professionals at some point may need legal advice and counseling.

If you don't think you need an attorney then you certainly shouldn't hire an attorney. But when issues arise don't be afraid to seek legal advice and pay for legal advice because there is no substitute for the real thing.


first time on this site. i guess i'm confused. why would i need a lawyer??? i've been in the alternative program for over a year now. i just follow the rules and regulations. that's it. it is all spelled out for me what i can or cannot do. i have never had to go before the board. criteria to enter into the program is written in lawyer lingo but criteria to remain in program and successfully complete it is clear. just dont f**k up!!!!!! why would i want to spend money on a lawyer if i'm behaving myself???


Hi Rob,

Thank you for your comment. You made an excellent point about the cost of representation which can be expensive. But your license is your key to employment and if your key is taken then you earn nothing. If you keep the key but you have restricted and monitored access the doors of employment opportunities, then what? Also when you think about the cost of legal representation vs. the impact and hit your nursing career may take over the next 5, 10, 15, or 20 years if you fumble through a Nursing Board complaint, you can see your return on the investment. You say that nurses should speak and consult with other nurses vs. hiring a lawyer. IMO that's not a good idea because there is a tendency to rationalize your own behavior and your friends, colleagues, and family may downplay the signficance of the complaint and your actions or inaction. I see it all the time.

Rob @ Continuing education for nurses

I think that nurses serve as their own lawyers on Nursing Baord cases did not have any options because they do not have the money or funds to hire an attorney. Paying for an attorney can cost a lot of money and would affect their savings and for example their desire to continue their education to become a RN, RN-BSN, or MSN. Although, learning the gravity of the situation later on, they may have to hire attorneys, as they are not familiar with the laws and navigating it blindly will only cause more harm than good. I just hope that nurses who are complaining on the Board would seek guidance from a support group before filling to prevent more expenses.

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