I received a thank you card from a CRNA this week and it made my day. I am still glowing. My client thanked me for being her attorney and being there for her. I have worked with this client for years and watched her transform her life and her practice gradually.
This client asked me could she pay me more money because surely her representation has extended beyond the initial flat fee. I smiled and told her no but thank you.
Can you imagine a lawyer turning down money? I need to be evaluated by a State Nursing Board approved psychiatrist:)
I have several clients who I really admire. Especially those who channel the experience (State Nursing Board investigations, hearings, and post-disciplinary monitoring or alternative to discipline program monitoring are life experiences) to find themselves and their purpose.
We all have a purpose. What is your purpose?
This is part of email I sent to another client. I have worked with this client since 2005 on licensure issues. Yes, 2005. This is a client who has struggled with substance use/abuse and its implications for years and who I will be working with for several more years:
I wanted to cry after our meeting yesterday, not for you but for me. My law practice allows me to work with some amazing nurses who continue to "punch it" in spite of and despite.....
You are one of those nurses.
Thanks again for retaining me as your attorney.
That's why I love my day job and it routinely flows into a 2nd shift position for me as well. If I am working 7 days a week for months on end it doesn't feel like work.
I have another client I represented years ago who was terminated from a State Nursing Board Alternative to Discipline Program for Addiction recently. He told me he doesn't have liability insurance with a license defense benefit anymore, he doesn't have money to pay me for representation, and he would understand if I just hung up the phone.
I said to the client, you know me, what do you think I am going to do?
He cried.
Its not work if you love what you do and my law practice is my dream job as it affords me the privilege of defending nurses.
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