Please don't assume a post on this blog refers to you or your case. The Nursing Law Bandit (this is my alias) averages 5-20 inquiries a week by phone, website contact forms, fax, email, or text from nurses. That's right pumpkin, on average, I receive 5-20 inquiries a week.
I also represent, counsel, and advise 568,921 nursing students, NCLEX-Applicants, LPNs, RNs, and APRNs in my nursing law and nurse license defense practice. I wish!
The blog posts here are similiar to the collage you made in first grade; bits and pieces are pulled from the following:
1. cases (past, present, and future);
2. legal consultations (past, present, and future);
3. workplace consultations (past, present, and future);
4. law firm inquiries (past, present, and future); and/or
5. dreams and/or nightmares (past, present, or future), both real and imagined by Attorney.
When I blog, I am in the Matrix and I never identify a nurse by name. I also don't mention nursing employers by name but mention by industry. This is a professional courtesy and also sound risk management.
This blog is read by a number of individuals across the country. Past, present, and future law firm clients read this blog. Yes, you will be a client of the Nursing Law Bandit one day; you just don't know the "why" and "how" like Neo in the Matrix I, Matrix II, and the first 2 hours of the Matrix III.
I pull information from a variety of sources when writing a blog post. I don't blog about one specific individual or one specific case as I use my critical thinking skills to incorporate tidbits of info from various cases, consultations, inquiries, etc. and then I shake it, mix it, beat it, and bake it in my Easy Bake Oven until it rises and forms a blog post.
For example, if I blog today about drug diversion and you happen to have a consultation with me about your diversion of drugs, don't assume the blog post refers to you. Why? A large percentage of my cases, consultations, and inquiries received involve allegations of drug theft and substance abuse.
Therefore unless I indicate your full name and credentials, license number and state of licensure, along with your mother's maiden name and the last four of your social security number (backwards and upside down of course) in a blog post, do not assume a blog post refers to you.
There are no rules which state I must post only on current cases, consultations, and inquiries. Idon't draft blog posts in chronological order. I don't have a timeline for blog posts and there isn't a script for me to follow.
Its open mic and old school freestyle on Nursing Law & Order and I am mixing, scratching, flowing, and human beat boxing my blog posts. I guess blogging is like hip hop in that sense. Damn, I just made myself laugh.
If you are asking yourself now what is human beat boxing, I am going to scream. Please tell me you know about the human beat box.
The Fat Boys are Back! This is the Human Beat Box by the Fat Boys (these guys were chunky and "big boned"; fat means fat not phat here) and IMO this IS the human beat box.
However let's not widen the rift with Fat Boy & Biz Markie fans. Yes, its that serious. Real talk: Biz Markie and the Fat Boys were beasts and human beat boxing is the truth; even after twenty five plus years!!!
If you need a translation for these paragraphs, ask a teenager or a twenty or thirty y/o who listens to rap music and hip hop, try google, or pay for a legal consultation with me:)
I don't think my blog readers are ready for this one but here it is, the Human Beat Box:
I used to write in short stories and poems in high school (twenty one years ago) and blogging over the years has retriggered this interest. Now if only I could write blog posts which start as words and become poetry to the eyes/ears of a serious listener like Wu Tang Forever did for serious hip hop fans. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wu-Tang_Forever. I love hip hop (if you haven't guessed) and this is one of my favorite CDs, disk 1 and disk 2.
I am content writing blog posts for educational and informational purposes to assist nurses with navigating the law and legal issues in nursing. Please keep this in mind before you assume a post on Nusing Law & Order refers to you and your case. LaTonia
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