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February 12, 2011


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Thanks, Marc for the informative information from Texas. You are so correct, any proposed discipline by a State Nursing Board or another state regulatory agency (for example if you are an Ohio Independent Provider (RN or LPN) providing home care services to your own clients and directly billing the State; nursing practice issues here are brought before the Ohio Department of Jobs & Family Services and reported to the Ohio Nursing Board) needs to be reviewed by a license defense attorney. Please do not just sign on the dotted line. You are essentially making a split second decision about a matter that has short and long-term collateral implications on your nursing career. Its not just a public reprimand.


A side issues with "reprimands". Not every state Board of Nursing views the term the same. In Texas, a Reprimand is one step below a suspension and it tends to come with teeth ("stipulations"). And if you come from a state where a "reprimand" is barely a disciplinary action, then TBON may hyperventilate and think it is an issue where they may not issue a declaratory order or otherwise license a nurse or impose several nasty stipulations because they equate reprimand with a serious disciplinary issue. More reasons to have an license defense attorney review your board order before signing the order!


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