Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™
The Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ is Your Nursing Care Plan
I know you still remember nursing care plans even though the NCPs are generated by software these days.
I graduated from my ASN program in 1993 and my BSN program in 1994 so NCPs were done the old fashioned way: by hand.
The Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan ™is similiar to the nursing care plans we developed in our entry level nursing programs.
What is included in your Legal Audit:Nursing Career Plan™ depends on where you are with your nursing career whether its pre-licensure, post-discipline with the State Nursing Board, in an alternative to discipline program, in graduate school, going up (or down) the clinical ladder in a particular institution, etc.
Why do you need a Legal Audit:Nursing Career Plan™? Every nurse needs a Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ because it takes into the risks and liabilities and specifics of your education, licensure, practice area, specialization, certifications, and assists you with the self-regulation of your nursing practice. Essentially you are caring for yourself, your license, your practice, and your career by being your own risk manager and advocate. The Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ involves you reflecting and assessing your practice with the assistance, advice, and counsel of a nursing law attorney.
What is self-regulation of nursing practice?
I have wanted for sometime to offer a risk management product and service for individual nurses regardless of the state of licensure and the Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ is it.
For nurses who are of course, in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana, the Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ offered by my law firm can of course include legal advice and counseling.
For nurses in other states, the Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ offered provides workforce and worplace counseling but no legal advice. Sorry, no legal advice but I can offer workplace and career counseling.
How will you benefit from a Legal Audit:Nursing Career Plan?
1. Let's say you are probation and monitoring with the State Nursing Board. The Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ will review with you the strategies to work through this process establish goals, interventions, and tasks, address common issues, and review legal concerns.
2. Let's say you are in a State Board alternative to discipline program. The Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ will review with your the strategies to work through this process, establish goals, interventions, and tasks, address common issues, and review legal concerns.
3. I hear alot, do I need my own professional liability insurance policy? This would be part of your Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ and along with reviewing your practice area, certifications, employment, licensure, and case law in your state to determine the necessary coverage offered by various nursing insurer if you identify this as an issue.
4. Let's say you are ARNP and you have an employment agreement and collaborative physician and a collaborative agreement. Your Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ could entail of a review of these agreements and with plans to review and discuss your areas of concern.
5. Let's say you are planning to start your own nurse owned business. Your Plan could review the basics and address some of the liabilities and legal issues presented.
6. You are a home health RN and you are also self-employed as an Independent Provider in Ohio. Your Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ could focus on the legal issues facing nurses practicing dually as home health nurses and as a IPs. Are you working as nurse for multiple facilities? Are working as a RN here and as a APRN elsewhere? Same for ICU, ER, Telemetry, Skilled Nursing Facilities, Ambulatory Care, Clinic, Self-Employed, Private Practice, etc.
7. Let's say you are work primarily as a charge nurse in a hospital, your Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™, will be different from a charge nurse in a nursing home or from unit manager or middle manager in a hospital.
8. The Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ for APRNs will different from LPNs and RNs and certainly the same can be said based on roles such as Clinical Nurse, Nurse Educator, Nurse Manager, or Nurse Expert Clinician.
9. New graduates, Nursing Students, and NCLEX-Applicants. Your transition into professional nursing practice can be alot smoother with a plan because you don't know what you don't know until you know it and its usually the hard way. Why not start your nursing practice with a Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ that identifies the risks associated with your practice area, takes into account your strengths and weaknesses as a new nurse, and assists you with the transition to professional nursing practice and developing your career.
Every Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ will be different and there is no standard plan because the audit is based on the three issues and concerns you identify and is tailored to meet your specific licensure, education, certification, practice areas, etc. and the documents you provide me to review.
The Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ focuses on the three issues you identify and I assist you with addressing, reviewing, identifying, and mitigating legal, licensure, career, and other pitfalls in a 30 minute conference call.
This is a basic risk management service offered to nurses because the majority of nurses don't have a nursing practice counsel or nursing law attorney on retainer to assist the individual nurse with law, legal, workplace, career, or the legalities associated with nursing practice.
Also most nurses don't belong to a professional association which may or may not offer this type of service which is combination of licensure, career, employment, legal, workplace, labor, and "as otherwise identified" issues specific for RNs, LPNs, and APRNs.
Please don't send me hundreds of pages of documents and expect that this can be covered in a 30 minute consultation and video or conference call because I will refund the fee and cancel the appt. Sorry. You need to retain me if you have hundreds of pages of documents you need to be reviewed:)
We can skype your Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ as a video conference call or a just plain conference call.
My law office skype name is: nursinglawattorney
My law office skype number is 513-729-6989.
I am offering the Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ service FREE to my law office clients. Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas to my law office clients.
If interested:
1. Pay for and schedule a date and time for the Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ at
2. The cost is $250 for a 30 minute Skype video call or telephone conference call.
3. I will need an updated CV/resume and work history. You will receive an email listing the information and documents I need from you prior to the consultation based on the issues and concerns you identify.
4. If you have legal documents, contracts, or agreement for me to review. Scan/email, mail, or fax to me prior to the consultation please. My fax number is 888-580-1119.
5. Once you pay for and schedule the Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™, you will review a packet of information for you to complete and return to my office.
6. Based on the issues/concerns you identified, you will also receive a packet or a package of informational and educational materials and documents by mail and information via email. Yes, there is homework because you will have to "stay the course" after the consultation. I want you to suceed (this isn't a scheme just to take your money) and I am going to provide you the materials to assist you with this process. I will be your Legal Cheerleader!!!
7. After the Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™ video call or conference call, you will receive your "plan" as a PDF file from me.
Take charge and grab "self-regulation of nursing practice" by its horns by identifying, managing, and mitigating the legal risks of nursing practice while plotting the trajectory of your nursing career with your very own Legal Audit: Nursing Career Plan™. I love it! This sounds so sales like; I am also selling a used car and a tattered blood pressure cuff if you are interested:) Just kidding!