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April 09, 2011


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LaTonia Denise Wright, RN, BSN, JD

Thanks, Tess. I would never be "that" rude to contact someone I have never meet before and do not know and say "you need to do X, Y, and Z." I actually had someone email me a month or so ago and threaten to "out me" because my RN license couldn't be verified on the State of Ohio website. I suggested he call the OBON office during business hours or check Nursys but I am who I say I am and my RN license is active. Tess, you will have to consider writing a guest blog post.


I must say Lisa is like (alot) of nurses I have come in contact with in my career, critisize other nurses in place of celebrating the fact a nurse is putting herself out there and making a name for nursing.
Blogs, text and much of internet communication is casual and is like the short hand of online communications, In my opinion blogs and text etc. are not meant to be "english" perfect.
I like your blog, I read it for the content and I am quite happy to overlook alot of mistakes :)

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