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April 16, 2011


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LaTonia Denise Wright

Thanks, Tess. You made me laugh, again.


I want to step up and be the first to offer my nursing services pro bono, I will be inserting foley catheters into a well deserving population.
Now, where is doc so and so that just chewed me a new one, I think he may need my services LOL just a joke.

LaTonia Denise Wright

Thanks, Steph. You are a client and you paid for my services which is another reason why I do not offer pro bono services. Maybe I am showing my Gen X stripes but I have a problem with the expectation of free services from a professional. We all want something for free; just give me a bottle of water "free" with my paid service and I am happy. I do not expect professional services on a short-term or a long-term basis whether it is from a nurse, lawyer, accountant, physician, web designer, or consultant for free. I am sure there are nurse attorneys who accept pro bono nurse license defense cases all the time. I am not one of these nurse attorneys.


Wow, that was deep! I understand your position today, although I wouldn't have
a year and a half ago. Today I see it as one of the sacrfices I
had to make in order to get my life back on the right track. I can honestly say that
retaining a nursing attorney was one of my better decisions. Thank you.

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