Today is NYE and around this time of year, I receive an increase in DUI calls where nurses have been charged with a DUI, OVI, or DWI and question how it will impact their nursing license as a far as renewal, initial licensure, voluntary self-report to the State Nursing Board, or a mandatory report to the State Nursing Board.
Getting a DUI isn't the end of the world (or is it?) but after the court fees, assessments, appearances, fines, and three to five day treatment programs you are really going to ask yourself how did this happen. This doesn't even include the licensure issues triggered by a DUI for license RNs, LPNs, and APRNs.
If you are going to drink and drink hard in 2013, drink and stay still. Get a ride home, get wasted at home and fall asleep, or have a designated person to drive everyone with a BAL of .08 home safely. Call someone to pick you up or catch a cab if your designated driver has started drinking.
I like to dance and you get the right music playing and I will dance for hours. I attended the Macy's Jazz Festival in July and I danced so hard on Friday and Saturday night, on Sunday I wrapped both of my feet (if you dance hard you know what this means), stayed in bed on a heating pad, and watched Law and Order SVU and the Walking Dead all day. In additional to dancing hard in hot, humid Cincinnati style 95 degree heat wave at the riverfront stadium, I had too much to drink on both days (Margaritas) and it showed on Sunday but I did not drive; it was a no brainer not to drive. My hair held up very well however as I am wearing my hair natural in a two strand twist and my natural hair laughs at the heat, humidity, and cold.
Also if you are subject to random drug tests with your State Nursing Board, guess what? You are more frequently tested around the holidays and this includes NYE. Don't risk a positive UDS; it just ain't worth it anymore as it may extend your probation and monitoring, you may have your license suspended as chances are it won't be your first positive, etc.
Are you a licensed nurse and dealing with a DUI now? You better have a criminal lawyer as that is a no brainer and you certainly need to retain or consult with a nurse license defense attorney to determine how your conviction will impact your license. I know you have a Motion to Suppress Hearing next week and the case may be dismissed......Pay the fee and consult with a nurse license defense attorney in your State or retain a nurse license defense attorney.
Last year I had a 70s and 80s costume party on NYE and we had a ball and yes, I danced; not hard but I danced. You do know the difference between dancing and dancing hard don't you?
This year , I am attending a NYE service at my church and bringing the New Year praying and praising the Lord Jesus Christ at my Baptist church which is going to be very festive and celebratory. I have an ice cold Pepsi waiting for me to drink. It doesn't get much better than a nursing license and a cold Pepsi!
What are you doing for NYE this year? Whatever your plans, be safe and use common sense. If you do something you are not supposed to do and it may affect your license, you always can call me if you are licensed in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana:)