My law firm is pleased to offer legal coaching services to nurses starting today. This a brand new service I am offering to respond to the demand for legal services. I receive a number of calls, emails, texts, and faxes from nurses who desperately need legal services but cannot afford or do not want to pay for the full scale legal services associated with the traditional attorney-client relationship. My law firm utilizes flat fees and I have done so for years. I am very comfortable quoting flat fees for representation. My flat fees for traditional legal representation before the State Nursing Board start at $2,500.00 and the fee charged varies depending on the issues involved in the case.
My firm has offered legal consultations for a number of years which allows a nurse to pay for a one-time appointment with me. In the context of the consultation, I review documents usually Board Adjudication Orders, Consent Agreement, Alternative Program Agreements, criminal case records, etc. and then counsel and advise the nurse on his or her options. A legal consultation is a one-time appointment with me either by telephone or in-person and it is of course confidential. See this pdf file for additional information on legal consultations with my office.
Download Legalconsultations2012.
The majority of RNs, LPNs, APRNs, nursing students, and NCLEX-Applicants involved in State Nursing Board disciplinary investigation represent themselves and I am sure this is because of the cost of legal services. I also believe it is because most of us fail to appreciate just how adversarial the disciplinary investigation and suitability for licensure can be. It is a formal legal process, not what you see on TV and it has vast implications on the careers of those who are involved.
This is why I am offering legal coaching services for nurses in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana because it allows a LPN, RN, APRN, nursing student, or NCLEX-Applicant to pay for a certain number of hours of legal services which include reviewing correspondence and documents, revising documents, legal and nursing research, legal opinions, reviewing Nursing Board documents, agreements, and contracts, reviewing criminal case documents and then I counsel, advise, and coach my client on his/her options.
This allows the Client to continue to represent themselves before the State Nursing Board, with an employer if negotiating an employment agreement or involved in a workplace investigation, etc. and still receive legal coaching, advice, and counseling from a nurse license defense and nursing law attorney.
In the legal world, this type of arrangement is called limited scope representation and unbundled legal services. See
For example, let's say a nurse is involved in a criminal case and wants my involvement on a limited basis to review the nursing practice, Board of Nursing issues, and other nursing related facets of the criminal case. The nurse can pay for 3 0r 4 hours of legal coaching which is less expensive for nurse and allows the nurse to receive the specific advice, counseling, and support needed with respect to nursing licensure, credentialing, and employability.
Another example would be a nursing student who has to disclose criminal convictions to the State Nursing Board and needs legal coaching, advising, and counseling on the submission of the Initial Application for Licensure by Examination to the Ohio, Kentucky, or Indiana State Nursing Board. The nursing student could pay for 3 or 4 hours of legal coaching which would be less expensive than retaining me for traditional representation. Also the nursing student would need more time than the 30 minutes or 1 hour offered with a legal consultation.
Yes, this is Nursing Law & Order but in real life with real issues before the State Nursing Board and in nursing law and professional practice matters involving real nurses, I can't always resolve issues and wind up a case in 60 minutes like Olivia Benson and Elliot Stabler on Law & Order SVU. This is why I offer legal coaching services and full scale representation with a flat fee retainer.
Another example, would be a nurse who has been reported to the State Nursing Board and wants my assistance reviewing the complaint, researching the issues, and assisting the nurse with a response to the Board of Nursing Complaint. This could be accomplished with legal coaching. However I would not file an appearance with the State Nursing Board or contact the State Nursing Board on behalf of the nurse because I am not "representing" the nurse before the State Nursing Board. I file an appearance indicating I am the attorney of the nurse if a nurse retains me for a flat fee which is involved in a traditional and full scale legal representation.
If you are involved in a formal legal matter before the State Nursing Board and you do not have an attorney advocating for you before the Board as your attorney then you are "pro se." A nurse is proceeding "pro se" and involved in self-representation. What is Self-Representation? See
My legal coaching service is a hybrid service and I see it another avenue to fulfill my calling (and make money; I am a lawyer now:) and as a go-between one-time legal consultations and traditional and full scale legal representation, counseling, and advising.
Some nurses do not want to or need to work with an attorney over an extended period of time and this is a option for nurses who want to tryout legal services on a limited basis to start a nurse-owned business, review unemployment, workers comp., nursing malpractice, or other matters.
Do you want more information about the difference between the legal coaching, legal consultations, and traditional representation, counseling, and advising services offered by my law firm? You can email me at [email protected] or [email protected]. You can call my office at 513-655-6586 or text me your email and we will send you additional information.
What are the costs of legal coaching with my law firm? See
I will also post a flyer in the next few days which discusses the difference between legal consultations, traditional attorney representation, counseling, and advising, and legal coaching services I offer for nurses.
I actually see this as being a very popular service for nurses who want to get me involved in their case, matter, issues, or professional practice legal and ethical quagmires but do not want or need to (this is a personal decision) proceed with full scale legal services at this time. You are the boss with limited scope representation and unbundled legal services and you are proceeding as an informed consumer who is essentially representing him or herself.
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