If you read this blog then you know that I like coffee and I like Pepsi. I usually drink 3-4 cups of coffee per day. I am now drinking and also selling Javita Coffee. Yes, the Nursing Law Bandit sells legal products and services as well as coffee baby.
My Aunt/Cousin Julie Wright from Lincoln Heights visited her son in Hawaii and brought this coffee back this month and now I am hooked. I think I have an addictive personality. Am I safe to practice nursing and law with an addictive personality? Actually I am going to post more next more on mental, medical, and emotional health issues and the ability to practice nursing safely.
I drink the "burn + control" Javita Coffee now although I may try the other coffee soon. I like the taste and even better it is gourmet instant coffee. I can make a cup of coffee at a time instead of wasting coffee making it at home and then again when I arrive at work.
This is my second week drinking the coffee and I have even more energy. I danced for 30 minutes last night I have lost 5 more pounds but I am not sure if it is from the coffee or from me walking again in the mornings around my neighborhood.
I usually walk for an hour every morning so if you want to reach me during my walk from 0630 to 0730 (If I drank a Daily the night before, I walk from 0730 to 0830; oh, I am sure I am not the only nurse who drinks a Daily Margarita during the week!!). http://dailyscocktails.com.
Got problems with the Ohio, Kentucky, and/or Indiana State Nursing Board, you can call me as I am always in a good mood and so happy when I am walking. Call me at 513-655-6586.
No, you can really call me but you have to follow-up and send me an email with your information because I do not take a pen and paper with me when I walk. I usually listen to Christian audio devotionals (Joyce Meyer, Greg Laurie, Ravi Zacharias, Joel Osteen, or Chuck Swindoll) as I walk and thank the Lord for His mercy, His grace, and His kindness. I thank the Lord for calling me to Him & saving me from myself, worldly pursuits, and the pain and emotional baggage of past failures. I also praise and thank the Lord daily for staying evil (things would be worse if He did not) in this country, this state, this city, my neighborhood, and my life.
I am already a busy bunny so the extra kick from the coffee is nice. I am moving forward with other business ventures and I certainly like the additional push. Did I also mention it reportedly helps curb your appetite and is being dubbed as assisting with weight loss?
See my website at www.BuyJavitaCoffee.com/NursingLaw.