If you have not done so already, please baby please, purchase a professional liability insurance policy with a license defense benefit today.
I am transitioning back into hands on nursing practice soon here in Cincinnati. I will be working part-time as a RN in home health or hospice, part-time as a solo practitioner in private law practice, and part-time at the new Freddy's Frozen Custard on Winton Road. https://freddysusa.com/store/cincinnati-winton-rd/
My goal has always been to practice law and practice nursing and I miss hands on nursing care. I have interviewed with several home health companies here in Cincinnati and I will be starting a position next month. I plan to start per diem and work a few days a week in addition to practicing law.
I have been in private practice for 15 years and I turned 45 years old this month. I am not having another mid-life crisis but just trying to transition back into the traditional workplace a few days out of the week. I am looking at doing a combination of things for the next couple of years: defending nurses, providing patient care, project legal work, etc. just to mix things up.
I said that to say that I need to purchase my own professional liability insurance policy with a license defense benefit. Call me bias because of TAANA but I will purchase a policy with Nursing Service Organization (NSO). http://www.nso.com/
I am not getting paid to NSO, NSO, NSO but I like the benefits offered with its policies. I am not telling you to purchase NSO insurance but you should have a policy with an insurer familiar with nursing malpractice as well as Nursing Board defense claims.
Baby please baby, please purchase YOUR OWN liability insurance policy with a nurse license defense benefit.
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