Seeking Freelance Nurse Authors to serve as Regular Contributors
I am seeking four freelance (hint: 1099) nurses to serve as the regular contributors for a monthly publication.
Each nurse author will be paid a flat fee for a 500 word article with web references. The regular contributor will have his/her name listed as the contributor for the piece and will be able to include a short bio with his/her contact information including email address. There are several benefits to being the regular contributor for these column including opportunities for professional growth and development.
The monthly publication is not a nursing journal. Therefore the writing style required is somewhere between a nursing blog and a nursing magazine.
Nursing Law & Order: Criminal Intent™
* This column will focus on forensics and criminal law with a nursing and healthcare twist.
Author Qualifications:
* RN, BSN with at least 5-10 years direct care experience;
* active nursing license in any state; and
* law, legal, or forensics education, experience, training, or interest preferred.
* RN/JD, LNC, Nurse Paralegal or RN law student encouraged to apply.
Nursing Law & Order: KVO™
* This column will focus on the latest and most current news and professional practice matters facing nurses.
Author Qualifications:
* RN, BSN with min. of 5 years direct patient care experience;
* active nursing license in any state; and
* diverse nursing background, training, and experiences in a variety of healthcare settings.
Nursing Law & Order: NPO™
* This column will focus on addiction, substance use and abuse as well as recovery, relapse, and return to work issues for recovering nurses.
Author Qualifications:
* RN, BSN disciplined by the State Nursing Board and/or who has completed a Nursing Board Alternative to Discipline Program for Chemical Dependency. Disciplined nurses encouraged to apply;
* has at least 5 years of sobriety;
* has a active nursing license; and
* has returned to nursing practice providing direct patient care.
Nursing Law & Order: Scoped Out™
* This column will focus on practice and trends for those of us with the broadest scope of practice and possibly the most potential for liability: APRNs.
Author Qualifications:
* APRN with at least 5 years of direct care experience as a APRN;
* active nursing license in any state; and
* diverse RN background, training, and experiences in a variety of healthcare settings and roles.
How to Apply?
If you are interested in being the regular contributor for one of the columns above, please send the following as attachments by email [RE: Nursing Law & Order Contributor] to Tina, my virtual assistant at [email protected] (you can copy me on the email at [email protected]) by May 16, 2011:
1. an updated resume/CV;
2. writing sample or journal publication;
3. a copy of your State Nursing Board license (just print it from the Board website); and
4. a cover letter detailing why you are interested in being a regular contributor for the column and what skills you bring to the role.
Additional information will be made available. Thank you for your interest. If you have questions, you can email me at [email protected].
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