I am registered for attend an addiction and substance abuse conference this month in Lexington, Kentucky.
I am trying to decide which conferences really relate to my practice as a 'RN and a license defense attorney and would further my knowledge base and/or add to my law or consulting practice.
I am considering the following conferences for 2010:
The American Association of Legal Nurse Consultants (AALNC): http://www.aalnc.org/. The conference is March 24-27th in Pittsburg, PA. I can drive to Pittsburg from Cincinnati or I can take a direct flight from Cincinnati for less than $450.00 and be there in 90 minutes. I really like the content. See the website.
National League for Nursing (NLN): http://www.nln.org/summit/index.htm. The conference is Sept. 29th- October 2nd in Las Vegas. If you follow this blog then you know I am always looking for a reason and tax deduction to attend a nursing conference in Las Vegas. I have heard really positive remarks about the NLN national conferences.
Ohio League for Nursing: I am planning to attend the pre-Summit on legal issues in nursing education (I attended the pre-summit on legal issues a few years ago in Michigan and it was very informative) on March 25th. See http://www.ohioleaguefornursing.org/. If I attend the OLN pre-summit for legal issues then I can't attend the AALNC conference.
I am thinking about attending the Nursing Symposium only because I promised to take my maternal grandmother to Las Vegas this year (again) and I can submit a poster presentation for this conference and write off my flight, conference registration, and lodging. See http://www.nursingsymposium.com/. I have to take my granny to Las Vegas so it will be either this conference or the NLN Conference in Sept/Oct.
The FARB Attorney Certification conference takes place in Washington, DC in October. See http://www.farb.org/mc/page.do?sitePageId=99237&orgId=farb/
I am also waiting to see if there will be a NOAP conference in 2010. I have heard really good things about these conferences also. See http://www.alternativeprograms.org/index.html.
I will also attend the Ohio State Bar Association Administrative Law Conference this year. Last year, the conference was 07/08/09 (my wedding date) and I was not able to attend.
Are you attending any local, state, regional, or national conferences this year? I am playing it safe this year and will try to attend local or state conferences and then fill in the gaps with webinars and teleconferences.
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