If you didn't know, it is going to be on and popping in healthcare. National Nurses United is building steam and who knows, maybe the sleeper will awaken.
I posted several weeks ago on this blog about the reformation of the healthcare and nursing workplace. It may be coming, ready or not, here shortly as the nursing unions are about to "go hard or go home." Don't know what this slang means just google it!
I will have blogging material for years to come and I am excited to see what changes are coming, ready or not for the nursing workplace. A nursing revolution or the evolution of nursing, maybe? Changes are needed in the nursing workplace, ready or not.
This RN union and professional association appears ready, willing, and able to do business and put in "work." The new National Nurses United should not be burdened by the professional association first and "then a union" model and the baggage which comes along with trying to be all things to all nurses all the time.
Here it comes, a nursing version to be played out in hospitals and healthcare facilities across the country of one of my favorite teenage video games and movies, Mortal Kombat!!
I keep it real on this blog and whether you support nursing unions or not, I personally have to tip my hat to the new RN Super Union, the National Nurses United for coming together, setting aside differences for the betterment of the profession, and forging ahead to build bridges for RNs in the nursing workplace of the future.
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