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February 23, 2008


Joe Flores, RN,MSN,JD

I keep logs since 2004. I started doing this instead of the traditional messages since they could get lost. I also have them logged in as they call and have the call and the reason for the call with a return number emailed and faxed to me. This way I get it on my smartphone and on the fax. If my legal assistant is being bombarded with work and I'm in court we have a double message that tells us who's calling. Once I receive the message I may forward to her with a message like,
"call this person immediately and tell them I'm in court until 5pm"
We then review all calls at the end of the week and make sure everyone got called back. It's not perfect but its better than about 80% of my lawyer buddies out there who are not returning calls. WE then log the calls and if we need to find a name we hit find on our emailed messages in our server and the name pops out or we can look by phone mumber. Sounds more difficult then it is and has become our virtual buddy. We also often switch to an exchange to be the first line if the calls get to be more than 5-10 an hour in order to free up some time to "triage" the calls and "turf" the types of law we don't handle. This is a great blog.


A like the checks and balances in your system, Joe.

You are right, there are alot of us as attorney who don't return phone calls. Sometimes I am able to return calls immediately or answer my phone directly. Communication whether its email, phone, fax, or text message works. Just communicate and return the communication in some fashion.

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