I received my January 2009 Kentucky Bar Association Bench and Bar magazine which mentioned the limitation (this is first in the history of the KBA) of President Barbara Bonar's power as a president and then mentioned the resignation of the current Executive Director, Jim Deckard who hasn't been in the position very long. The last ED, Bruce Davis served in the position 24 years.
Bar Association ED are usually boomers and lifers, you stay in those position until you die or for twenty to thirty years and when you leave those positions you receive a blurb in the Bar Association magazine, a party with punch, cake and ice cream, a pension, small wood clock or cheap gold plated watch, and a plaque.
I don't follow bar associations as closely as I follow nursing associations, but maybe I should. What's up the Kentucky Bar Association? Things are on and popping it seems as the KBA.
See these links and make sure you read the comments. I thought it was interesting that one commenter mentioned Kentucky being a unitary bar as the problem. One blog speculated that Deckard being a Republican when the majority of Kentucky attorneys are Democrats was the issue: